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来源:fun88乐天使官网,fun88乐天使ios版APP,fun88乐天使最新版下载,官方版下载网 编辑:秩名 时间:2016-07-02


       I went to summer camp on vacation. On the first day, we went to a beautiful beach. It was a sunny and hot day, so we went swimming. The water was warm and we had great fun. Then the next day, we went to the mountains. There were many trees and I really enjoyed them. On the last day, we had a great party. We sang and danced happily. We didn’t want to leave(离开) the friends and the teachers. I hope I can go to summer camp again next year.

  我去夏令营度假。第一天,我们去了美丽的海滩。这是一个阳光和炎热的一天,所以我们去游泳。水是温暖的,我们有很大的乐趣。然后第二天,我们去了山区。有 许多树木,我非常喜欢他们。在最后一天,我们有一个伟大的党。我们高兴地载歌载舞。我们不想离开(离开)的朋友和老师。我希望我可以去夏令营明年再次。


  I have a lot of things to do in my free time. Usually I take exercise after school.I like basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often watch TV or do some reading in the evening.Sometimes I listen to music for a while.I find it a good way to relax myself.Of course, I help my parents with the housework at the weekends. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn cooking.Sometimes I go on a field trip with my friends.We always have a good time!



  the so-called innovation, in a nutshell, ifollowing apredecessors, not conformism again; draw lessonfrom others, and some original; effort to have a new perspective to observe the situation, to promote work with new ideas, to solve the problem there ia new way, make each work conform, grasp regularitand creative.

  practice ithe foundation of innovation, from practice, innovation habecome non-existent, madrassa reflected. experience telluthat innovation should be everything from set out actually, in our country'reform and opening up and modernization construction athe center, focuon the use of marxist theory, dare to abandon the inappropriate knowledge, ideas, practices, and form a practical line, principleand policies, the development of the cause of our tobacco. china haa proverb: alwaysuspected - innovation originated, have the courage to break the suspected - innovative energy. lu xun once said, the first to eat craiverimpressive. the first person to eat crab, in addition to brave, ifirst and foremost a longer than the discoverer of the question.

  people, progresand development, there will be a force for itcontinued upward momentum, enable people to produce strong intellectual curiositand creativity, thupromoting people unyielding, hard work. the formation of the power, it ibased on hard learning and knowledge accumulation. people learn, the more the greater the unknown world, people will feel hilack of knowledge; and more continuoulearning accumulation, more can create something new in it.

  innovation, honestand modestirequired. some say, humilitia kind of mental state of calm in the face of achievement and honor, ia kind of practical and content to the students' thinking character. era in the development and social progress. in the great practice of building a moderatelprosperousocietin an all-round way, we also need to adhere to the marxist theoretical character of keeping pace with the times, the innovation consciouslaa kind of unremitting pursuit, alwaymaintain a agressivness, momentum, a pitch to ", make more straight to the sea in full sail "open mind and tolerance, development innovation.

  in thiwacan we constantlin the great practice have been invented, find and create something new in it, and forward, our countronlconstant progress!







  innovation ithe vitalitof learning. it'like a beacon, radioactive rayin the dark, to guide people to move forward, on the road to success.

  opened the long human history, how mangreat science practitionerbigniting innovation - thilamp inot to achieve success? take a physicist faraday, for instance, he in the oster test, on the basiof carefullsummarize experience and lessons, a new research idea, put forward the realization of magnetic electricitthia great idea, after a serieof experimentto explore, he finallsucceeded, thucreated the electronic business. he didn't because of the innovative spirit and success?

  bacon once said, "i saw mr. wang thought no continent, ibut a poor explorer, these" bad explorer "the failure of the root cause ithat thedon't have the spirit of innovation. scientific invention requireinnovation spirit, learning also requireinnovation. britain hapersonal call him, ito read most of the people in the world, he read bookcountless, but ultimateluseless, the reason ithat he didn't take the book onlbinnovating, into their own thoughtand ability.

  in contrast, the great thinker marx in reading, on the basiof a bold exploration, hadoubt on the capitalistto workers' wages, to hold the spirit of seeking innovation, he further worker masses, investigation and study, finallfound out the secret of surpluvalue, in order to have made great contributionto the development of human beings. so, learning must have the innovation, otherwise, even if read thousandof books, ialso in vain.

  in the learning innovation, onlinnovation, can have learned something onlcarrieforward the spirit of innovation, we can in the tide of reform and opening up, in an impregnable position, become a qualified players! the classmates, action, and let'struggle for the motherland tomorrow!






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